To grow and care for your coleus plant, you should place it in a room that never goes below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re starting from seed, always put your pot in the room of your house with the highest temperature, as this will help the coleus to germinate and ultimately thrive. A plastic bag or plastic wrap is also useful in helping keep the plant moist until your seedlings have sprouted. This should take between 12 and 21 days. You can remove the plastic covering once the seeds have sprung.
Place the planter in an area that gets regular direct light but primarily indirect sunlight. A partially shady windowsill is a good idea. Water your plant regularly and make sure the soil is always moist, both when your coleus is growing and also when it is fully grown. When watering, ensure that the soil is only damp — not saturated. Overwatering could be detrimental to the health of a coleus plant.